I have a service with a BehaviourSubject which I can subscribe to from any component:
// getter in service
public get myObs$(): Observable<any> {
return this._myBhvSub$.asObservable()
Then in the component I do
ngOnInit(): void {
this.myService.myObs$.subscribe(res => {
this.myVar = res
console.log("My Var", this.myVar)
concole.log() shows the data !! myVar is getting its value correctly !!
Finally HTML
This view just won't show the data 😣😣😣
I also tested hardcoding MyVar like this:
ngOnInit(): void {
this.myService.myObs$.subscribe(res => {
this.myVar = {someKey: "Hello World"}
console.log("My Var", this.myVar)
...and this works just fine 😒
can you try this:
<div>{{(myService.myObs$ | async).someKey}}</div>
N.B : make myService public
if async pipe work it mean you have onPush detection in your component or parent component