I have 2 diffferent datasets and I want to merge these 2 datasets based on column "country" with the common country names and dropping the ones different. I have done it with inner merge, but the dataset is not as I want to have.
inner_merged = pd.merge(TFC_DATA,CO2_DATA,how="inner",on="country")
TFC_DATA (in the orginal dataset there exits a column called year but I've dropped it):
| Country | TFP |
| Angola | 0.8633379340171814 |
| Angola | 0.9345720410346984 |
| Angola | 1.0301895141601562 |
| Angola | 1.0850582122802734 |
CO2_DATA: | Country | year | GDP | co2
| Afghanistan | 2005 | 25397688320.0 | 1
| Afghanistan | 2006 | 28704401408.0 | 2
| Afghanistan | 2007 | 34507530240.0 | 2
| Afghanistan | 2008 | 1.0850582122802734 | 3
| Afghanistan | 2009 | 1.040212631225586 | 1
. . .
What I want is
Output |Country|Year|gdp|co2|TFP Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|0.8633379340171814 Angola|2006|66748907520.0|19.006|0.9345720410346984 Angola|2007|87085293568.0|19.006|1.0301895141601562 . . .
What I have instead
Output Country|Year|gdp|co2|Year|TFP Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2005|0.8633379340171814 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2006|0.9345720410346984 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2007|1.0301895141601562 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2008|1.0850582122802734 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2009|1.040212631225586 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2010|1.0594196319580078 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2011|1.036203384399414 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2012|1.076979637145996 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2013|1.0862818956375122 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2014|1.096832513809204 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2015|1.0682281255722046 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2016|1.0160540342330933 Angola|2005|51967275008.0|19.006|2017|1.0
I expected the datas of the countrys' merge in one dataset but it duplicates itself until the second one data is over then the second one does the same
function performs an inner join by default that means it only includes rows that have matching values in the specified columns.
Use a different join type one option is to use a left outer join, which will include all rows from the left dataset (TFC_DATA)
and only the matching rows from the right dataset (CO2_DATA)
Specify a left outer join using the how="left"
parameter in the pd.merge()
merged_data = pd.merge(TFC_DATA, CO2_DATA, how="left", on="country")
After @abokey's comment EDIT
First, create a new column in the TFC_DATA dataset with the year value
TFC_DATA["year"] = TFC_DATA.index.year
Group the TFC_DATA dataset by "country" and "year", and compute the mean TFP value for each group
TFC_DATA_agg = TFC_DATA.groupby(["country", "year"]).mean()
Reset the index to make "country" and "year" columns in the resulting dataset
TFC_DATA_agg = TFC_DATA_agg.reset_index()
Perform the inner merge, using "country" and "year" as the merge keys
merged_data = pd.merge(CO2_DATA, TFC_DATA_agg, how="inner", on=["country", "year"])