So i will give an example let's say i have the transaction id
In etherscan i can use their menu to see the raw transaction which will be
I can't get this with etherscan api or geth rpc , i have found eth_getRawTransaction but it give just 0x for transfer transaction is there anyway i can find the raw transaction using nodejs code
thank you
I think i need to rlp encode the transaction or something like that , i'm lost
A raw transaction is an object. This hex string represents a serialized transaction object.
Example code below.
Note that ethers
requires you to parse out the signature and other params of an already mined/validated transaction, and pass the signature as a second argument. There's probably a more generic way of doing that, I couldn't think of any right now.
const tx = await provider.getTransaction("0xafef64d0d03db9f13c6c3f8aec5902167ea680bd0ffa0268d89a426d624b2ae1");
const unsignedTx = {
nonce: tx.nonce,
gasLimit: tx.gasLimit,
gasPrice: tx.gasPrice,
value: tx.value,
chainId: tx.chainId
const signature = {
v: tx.v,
r: tx.r,
s: tx.s
const serialized = ethers.utils.serializeTransaction(unsignedTx, signature);