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Spring WebFlux - FilePart forward via webClient

I went through similar tickets (i.e. How to stream file from Multipart/form-data in Spring WebFlux), but apparently I have slightly different case.

High-level example (no error handling / no 'empty' checks):


@ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.CREATED)
    @PostMapping(consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
    public Mono<String> create(
        @RequestPart(value = "images", required = false) final Flux<FilePart> images
    ) {


    public Mono<String> create(
        final Flux<FilePart> images
    ) {
        MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();

        return images
            .filter(part -> Objects.nonNull(part.headers().getContentType()))
            .filter(part ->
                    || part.headers().getContentType().includes(MediaType.IMAGE_PNG)
                part -> builder
                        .asyncPart("images", part.content(), DataBuffer.class)

the problem is, client does not receive actual "images" :( I added some doOnNext to log the fact that files are added to builder, so I know they are.

I assume it is because of .asyncPart("images", part.content(), DataBuffer.class) but not sure how to avoid / bypass this internal publisher?

As a note, controller expects a Flux based on all recommendations I saw; however switching to plain List<FilePart>, solves the problem, while I think it is an anti-pattern to assume "blocking" request in WebFlux, right?


  • The problem is your then(webClient...) block is already called and is executed at the start of the request. You can wrap then part with Mono.defer.

                   .then(Mono.defer(() -> {