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Why does typing $ in fish shell show the error "Unknown command: bind_dollar"?

I am running fishshell 3.5.1 on MacOS Monterey 12.5.1 I can work most all commands just fine but whenever I try to type in the dollar sign (even before pressing Return) I get the error: "Unknown command: bind_dollar"

I've tried:

  • Reinstalling w/Homebrew
  • Confirming that fish is in PATH
  • Deleting my fish.config

Below is the output of my issue and setup:

This happens as soon as I type a dollar sign:

$ fish: Unknown command: bind_dollar

Fish config directory:

$ ls
completions/    conf.d/     fish_variables  functions/

Using /bin/sh to examine my $PATH:

$ /bin/sh
sh-3.2$ echo $PATH

Ensuring fish is located in PATH:

sh-3.2$ whereis fish
fish: /usr/local/bin/fish

Viewing the contents of my fish.config (which is the default version):

sh-3.2$ cat
if status is-interactive
    # Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here


  • Thanks to Glenn's comment, I was able to track down the issue:


    grep -r bind_dollar ~/.config/fish



    Which contained:

    function fish_user_key_bindings
          ### bang-bang ###
          bind ! bind_bang
          bind $ bind_dollar # <-- removing this line fixed the issue
          ### bang-bang ###

    Removing the "bind_dollar" line fixed the issue.