I have a table named assets:
create table assets (
id bigint primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
value double precision not null,
business_time timestamp with time zone,
insert_time timestamp with time zone default now() not null
I am trying to write a query to get the most recent value
for each day based on business_time
. This is a sample query that I wrote:
select distinct on (business_time::date) business_time::date, value
from home.assets
where name = 'USD_RLS'
order by business_time::date desc
But the value for each day is not always the most recent one. I guess it's a bit random which value I get for each day. Any idea how I could fix this query?
Here's a good way to approach this requirement, but not with DISTINCT ON.
Start by getting the maximum value of the business_time
timestamp value (including date and time) for each calendar day, thusly.
SELECT MAX(business_time) business_time,
business_time::date day
FROM assets
WHERE name = 'USD_RLS'
GROUP BY business_time::date
This subquery returns the latest timestamp for each calendar day.
Then use that list of timestamps to get the detail records you need.
SELECT value, business_time::date day
FROM assets
WHERE business_time IN (
SELECT MAX(business_time) business_time
FROM assets
WHERE name = 'USD_RLS'
GROUP BY business_time::date )
AND name = 'USD_RLS'
ORDER BY business_time::date;
It's all about sets. First you find the set of timestamps that are the latest for each calendar day. Then you find the set of rows that have those timestamps.