I'm started using Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect within Confluent Platform. I deployed it using docker compose example: https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-all-in-one/blob/7.3.0-post/cp-all-in-one/docker-compose.yml and added needed connectors into kafka-connect. I have one question about limitations of this deployment Since it uses following docker images:
I suppose at least one service (cp-enterprise-control-center) is enterprise version, but at this moment it works fine and I've not faced with limitations yet (I saw just one warning that I won't be deploy more than 1 brokers). Is it community edition or some "trial" of enterprise edition? Which limitations should I expect of this deployment, will it stop working after some time?
And one additional question, what deployment can you advice to run kafka-connect with kafka for low load (~1k messages a day).
Thanks for the answers!
Control Center is an Enterprise licensed product. Confluent Enterprise license is restricted to one broker, and the license does have a 30-day expiration beyond that.
Community is not a "trial".
Both are described at https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/installation/license.html