I have a strange issue with Cucumber not recognizing tags. I want to exclude one scenario from executing but it is still being executed. I am using cucumber 6.10.2 version (io.cucumber).
So the scenario is:
Scenario Outline: Attempt to Create Contract
Given I delete all test data for <some collection name>
And I delete all test data for <other collection name>
My runner class is:
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
features = "src/test/java/resources"
, glue = {"stepDefinitions"}
, plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports",
, tags = "not @tag1"
public class RuneCukeTest {
I also tried different syntax for tags such as:
tags = ~"@tag1"
tags = "~@tag1"
but none is working. (even if I try to run only this tag). it is not allowing me to type it this way probably because of the version:
tags = {"@tag1"}
What I found under "tags" documentation is:
String tags() default "";
and example above it "@smoke and not @fast"
I am using few .feature files and I want to execute only one and skip only 1 scenario from it. I am trying both - to execute it from the runner class with the @CucumberOptions and by right clicking on the .feature file itself. Nothing is working...
This one works for me tags = "@Integration or @Wip and not @SmokeTest and not @Ignore"