This is ma very simple PowerShell function to get reg value from registry:
Function GetRegKey {
Param([String]$GetRegKeyPath, $GetRegKeyName)
If (Test-Path -Path $GetRegKeyPath) {
If (Get-ItemProperty -Path $GetRegKeyPath -Name $GetRegKeyName) {
$GetRegKeyVal = (Get-ItemPropertyValue $GetRegKeyPath $GetRegKeyName)
Return $GetRegKeyVal
} Else {
write-output ("Warning! Path: '$GetRegKeyPath' is exist, but RegKey: '$GetRegKeyName' is: not exist.") }
} Else {
write-output ("Warning! Path: '$GetRegKeyPath' is not exist!")
Return $null }
GetRegKey "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" "ProgramFilesDir"
will give output like:
C:\Program Files
I have two things what is not working:
Is this can be somehow avoid? I did try with pipe | Out-Null but its bassically not a solution I guess.
I suggest streamlining your function as follows, which only requires a single Get-ItemPropertyValue
(note that I've renamed the function to GetRegValue
, because it is a registry value's (data) that is returned):
Function GetRegValue {
[String] $KeyPath,
[String] $ValueName
try {
Get-ItemPropertyValue -ErrorAction Stop $KeyPath $ValueName
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
Write-Warning "Path: '$KeyPath' does not exist."
catch [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException] {
Write-Warning "Path: '$KeyPath' exists, but RegKey: '$ValueName' doesn't."
A try
/ catch
statement is used to match errors by their exception type, from which the specific error condition can be inferred.
The common -ErrorAction
parameter is used with Stop
in order to promote non-terminating errors to (script-)terminating ones, which allows them to be caught with try
/ catch
inappropriately reports a (statement-)terminating error when the key path exists, but not the value name - see GitHub issue #5906.Write-Warning
is used to emit the warnings, which uses the dedicated warning output stream, which is conceptually preferable and also gives you automatic coloring of the message.
As for DWORD
PowerShell is capable of returning types of all data stored in the registry (they get mapped onto equivalent .NET types), so there shouldn't be a problem with REG_DWORD
registry values.
You can verify by calling the function above as follows:
GetRegValue HKCU:\Console FontSize
This should output an [int]
) value such as 1048576
Note that if the value is too large to fit into [int]
, you'll get a [uint32]
) value instead.