I have the following controller
public class ManiController {
public Mono<ResponseEntity<String>> manifest(@RequestParam(name = "sid", required = false) String sessionId) {
return redisController.getData(sessionId).flatMap(sessionInfo -> {
return new ResponseEntity<>(data, HttpStatus.OK);
I do not get callback on redisController.confirm(sessionInfo).map
and controller returns blank response.
Reactor does not accept null
Most likely, redisController.getData(sessionId)
returns an empty Mono.
Empty publisher will not emit any values, only a completion signal. Therefore, none of your operations past the empty publisher would be called. To define a fallback, you can either provide an alternate operation using switchIfEmpty (there's also a defaultIfEmpty method to provide a pre-computed fallback).
Your snippet might be adapted to something like this:
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(() -> new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Expired or unexisting session")));
In this example, if your redisController does not send back any data, a bad request Response will be sent back.