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Azure AD does not sends claims info in Id or Access tokens

I'm trying to connect Azure ActiveDirectory with Keycloak using OpenID Connect v1.0 protocol.

I connected Keycloak and I can login with azure account in Keycloak, but I can't pass any optional claims to my id or access tokens. They have only standard fields. On the frontend side I'm checking the /token path after login.

In my Manifest i see optional claims in both tokens. I gave all possible accesses to claims on security tab but all without success.

Can you please give me a tipp, how can i solve this? What should i look/check? I need to transfer roles/groups from azure account to my Keycloak and map them.


  • For optional claims or attributes to be present in Id token or access token ,

    Check the added optional claims in Azure AD for the application.

    enter image description here

    In the keycloak , create the mappers to reflect in Id token or access token.

    • In the realm in keycloak , go to Clients in the dashboard and select your client.
    • Navigate to 'Mappers' label and click 'Create'.

    enter image description here

    Then for example mapper type can be of 'User Attribute' or Attributr importer for different Identity provider.

    If that is selected , then fill the attribute name that user actually has when authenticates and select the appropriate option , if it is to be included in any of ID token, access token and userinfo.

    enter image description here

    In case of mapping from another IDP i.e; here Azure AD

    enter image description here

    refer this sample for okta

    For example If upn is selected for optional claim in AzureAD:

    enter image description here

    From Identiy Providers blade , select mappers and use attribute importer for mapper type.

    enter image description here References:

    1. Server Administration Guide -protocol mappers (
    2. azure-ad-as-oidc-identity-provider-in-keycloak | | StackOverflow