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column_spec in R's kable does not change columns possibly due to headers

I want to reduce the width of my columns for my latex-rmarkdown pdf output but it doesn't seem to work.

desired output

desired output

column_spec() is unable to adjust the width of the headers and they are not able to wrap.

kable_styling(latex_options = "scale_down", full_width = F) |> 
  column_spec(2:8, width = "5em") |> 

My Output

My output


  • You can add a header for group columns via kableExtra::add_header_above(). When you insert such a header into a table, you can specify the width of that header by using a LaTeX command \parbox{..width..}{..contnets..}. To use any LaTeX command in a table created using knitr::kable() and kableExtra's functions, you have to set escape = FALSE in these functions.

    enter image description here

    mtcars |>
      head() |>
        booktabs = TRUE
      ) |>
        latex_options = "scale_down",
        full_width = FALSE
      ) |>
        width = "5em"
      ) |>
          " ",
          "\\\\parbox{5em}{this header for group columns is way too long and I want to wrap this but I don't know how}" = 5,
          "Group 2" = 6
        escape = FALSE