I am trying to create an Eq Instance, but I have some issues creating it.
I have the following data definitions:
data Link = G | S | P deriving (Eq, Show)
data Chain = Empty | Join Link Chain
And Now I want to convert Chain into an Eq Instance (True when it is the same).
Here is my current instance:
instance Eq Chain where
(Join a b) == (Join c d) = (a == c) && (b == d)
Empty == Empty = True
_ == _ = False
it marks (a == c) && (b == d)
as mistake (Ambiguous occurrence ‘==’)
I am unsure why this is, and would appreciate it if someone could help me.
Thank you in advance!
You failed to indent the method definitions.
instance Eq Chain where
Join a b == Join c d = a==c && b==d
Empty == Empty = True
_ == _ = False
...Or alternatively, but highly dis-recommended, put them in braces
instance Eq Chain where {
Join a b == Join c d = a==c && b==d;
Empty == Empty = True;
_ == _ = False
Without the indentation or braces, what your code does is declare an empty Eq
instance, and a separate, completely new operator that happens to be also called ==
. I.e., you actually wrote this:
module Ch where
instance Eq Chain where
-- missing definitions of `Prelude.==` here
(Ch.==) :: Chain -> Chain -> Bool
Join a b Ch.== Join c d = a==c && b==d
Empty Ch.== Empty = True
_ Ch.== _ = False
The compiler error tells you that the a==c
and b==d
definitions are now ambiguous: is this referring to Prelude.==
or to Ch.==