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Why does mat-slide-toggle not work when we use a custom directive to send it into the reusable generic component?

Here is the link of POC on stackblitz.

In above POC I have app component as a root component, app-expansion-panel component as a reusable generic component and custom-expansion-panel directive as a custom directive. In app.component.html I used app-expansion-panel component and in that component I passed mat-slide-toggle using custom-expansion-panel directive. But somehow it is not working.

mat-slide-toggle should work properly.


  • You are binding a method, and declaring the array inside that same method, so this is what is happening.

    • Every time change detection runs getFeaturesExpansionPanelData is called.
    • A new instance of featureExpansionPanelData is created when getFeaturesExpansionPanelData is called, this changes the value of panelData in AppExpansionPanelComponent after the view has been initialised, which is messing up the mat-sliders.

    These are few easy solutions to the problem

    1. Declare featureExpansionPanelData in the constructor
      this.featureExpansionPanelData = [
          label: 'Name',
          value: 'sample name',
          injected: false,
          label: 'Enabled',
          value: '',
          injected: true,
    getFeaturesExpansionPanelData() {
      return this.featureExpansionPanelData;
    1. Declare featureExpansionPanelData in the constructor and pass featureExpansionPanelData directly
      this.featureExpansionPanelData = [
          label: 'Name',
          value: 'sample name',
          injected: false,
          label: 'Enabled',
          value: '',
          injected: true,
      panelTitle="{{ name }}"
    1. Use an input setter and add a condition in there so that panelData value does not get changed
    panelData: KeyValueAttributes[] = [];
    set panelDataInput(value) {
      if (this.panelData.length === 0) {
        this.panelData = value;
      panelTitle="{{ name }}"