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Are there any alternatives for OCI config file?

In the docs they said:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDKs and CLI require basic configuration information, like user credentials and tenancy OCID. You can provide this information by: Using a configuration file; Declaring a configuration at runtime.

Also, here they said:

If you're using one of the Oracle SDKs or tools, supply the required credentials in either a configuration file or a config object in the code [...].

I would like to know how to provide that information in an object instead of a config file. I haven't found any examples.

I'm receiving account credentials information dynamically as strings, there are no config files.

Here is an example of my code:

import * as identity from "oci-identity"
import common = require("oci-common")

interface Account {
  cliente: string,
  cloud_provider: {
    provider_name: string,
    tenancy: string,
    configFile: string,
    keyFile: string

// Credentials
const provider: common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider = new common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider()
const client = new identity.IdentityClient({ authenticationDetailsProvider: this.provider });

const getTenancy = (accounts: Account) => {
  // Create a request and dependent object(s).
  const request: identity.requests.GetTenancyRequest = {
    tenancyId: id

  // Send request to the Client.
  const response = await client.getTenancy(request)

const ids = ['id', 'id2', 'id3']

ids.forEach(id => {


  • Answered on

    In a nutshell, I needed to use SimpleAuthenticationDetailsProvider instead of ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider.

    This first one allows us to set up credentials like this:

    const common = require("oci-common");
    const identity = require("oci-identity");
    // TODO: Fill in appropriate values for tenancy (str) / fingerprint (str) / passphrase(optional) (str | null) / privateKey (str) / region (common.Region)
    const tenancy = "";
    const user = "";
    const fingerprint = "";
    const passphrase = null; // optional parameter
    const privateKey = ``;
    const region = common.Region.US_PHOENIX_1; // Change to appropriate region
    const provider = new common.SimpleAuthenticationDetailsProvider(