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Why Resource Files Added in Qt Quick QML Project Are Not Displaying?

As in the title, added resources does not appear in my project:

Why do the attached .png files do not appear in center of window?

Why attached .png files does not appear in center of window?


import QtQuick

Window {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    Image {
        source: "://Images/empty.png"
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        visible: true

What am I doing wrong, is it this QML source code matter or have I failed resource files attaching?

I really don't know where the problem is. It seems I am doing everything exactly like in tutorials and documentation.

Where is the mistake?


This is qrc resource code:

<qresource prefix="/">


  • You have 2 options. The first option would include to create a *.qrc file which contains all the assets and the assets/images are part of the project folder in some way.

        <qresource prefix="/">

    In this case you can use "relative" paths and also define your own names for files via aliases. Have a look at the documentation.

    Image {
        source: "qrc:/images/infinity.svg"

    To make that work the build system needs to process the resource file. Have a look here. For CMake you need to set CMAKE_AUTORCC to true and add the *.qrc file to qt_add_executable()

    The second option would be to use the absolute path prefixed with file://. Sometimes you need to use Qt.resolveUrl() (documentation) to make it work.

    Image {
        source: "file://<absolute path to image>/images/infinity.svg"

    I can't really explain why qrc:/... is working and :/... is not. It might be because the source property of Image is a url and the documentation says the following:

    You can also reference the Qt resource system through a QUrl. Use the qrc scheme in this case.