the code is:
list_ = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
if i try:
1 in list_
it will return false. But if i use the any() function it returns True!
any(1 in sublist for sublist in list_)
But i want it to return the sublist that the item '1' is found. I've tried things like:
if any(1 in sublist for sublist in list_):
it raise NameError: name 'sublist' is not defined
is there a way of doing it?? Thanks :)
You can use the list comprehension syntax, which includes an expression for filtering in it.
In this case, you'd want:
[sublist for sublist in list_ if 1 in sublist]
The new list will be created dynamically, and just the elements in list_
that pass the guard expression `...if 1 in sublist``` will be included.
Just to be complete: there is no way to get all the elements from a call to any
because it stops processing the iterator as soon as it finds the first match - that is the advantage of using it over a regular comprehension or generator expression: the syntax for those do not allow one to stop the processing of an iterator once a condition is met.