I am trying to get a list of locks on ORACLE. When there are no locks, an empty string is returned. How to make it output 0 if there are no rows, and output the required result if there are rows?
SELECT (b.seconds_in_wait) as TIME
FROM sys.v_$session b, sys.dba_blockers c, sys.dba_lock a
WHERE c.holding_session = a.session_id AND c.holding_session = b.sid and (username like '%MOBILE%');
I don't even know where to look for the answer)
Left join your sql to a dummy row and handle null with Nvl() function
dummy AS
( Select 0 "DUMMY" From Dual),
blocked AS
( -- your SQL using Joins
FROM sys.v_$session b
INNER JOIN sys.dba_lock a ON(a.SESSION_ID = b.SID)
INNER JOIN sys.dba_blockers c ON(c.HOLDING_SESSION = b.SID)
WHERE b.username LIKE('%MOBILE%')
FROM dummy
LEFT JOIN blocked b ON(1 = 1)