I'm working on a project in python, and I want to make a button that shifts the AddButton to the next column and puts a Network in its place.
My code below:
class NetAppHomePG:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 1
self.AddImg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("c:/Users/Will/Desktop/VSC_Test/NetworkApp/plus.png"))
self.AddButton = Button(self.TabsFrame, image=self.AddImg, command=self.Add_Network).grid(row=0, ,column=1, padx=250, pady=0)
def Add_Network(self):
self.x =+ 1
self.y =+ 1
self.Network = Canvas(self.TabsFrame, width=400, height=600, background="grey")
self.Network = Label(self.TabsFrame, text="Network #1", font=("Roboto", 18), foreground="lightblue", background="grey")
self.Network.grid(row=0, column=(self.x), padx=250, pady=0)
self.AddButton.grid(row=0, column=(self.y), padx=250, pady=0)
I tried assigning the AddButtons column to another variable and then incrementing the variable by one every time the button is pressed.
Try setting up the grid inside tabsFrame
with rowconfigure
and columnconfigure
, and clear the button with grid_forget
before replacing it with another call to grid
class NetAppHomePG:
def __init__(self):
... # code omitted for brevity
self.TabsFrame.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.TabsFrame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
def Add_Network(self):
self.x =+ 1
self.y =+ 1
self.Network = Canvas(self.TabsFrame, width=400, height=600, background="grey")
self.Network = Label(self.TabsFrame, text="Network #1", font=("Roboto", 18), foreground="lightblue", background="grey")
self.Network.grid(row=0, column=(self.x), padx=250, pady=0)
self.AddButton.grid_forget() # clear the button before replacing it below
self.AddButton.grid(row=0, column=(self.y), padx=250, pady=0)