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How to drop columns with specific suffixes from a SAS table in SAS?

I have table in SAS Enterprise Guide like below:

COL_DT    | COL_5  | ...  | COL_n
10MAY2021 | 1      | ...  | xxx
15DEC2021 | 0.5    | ...  | xxx
09APR2020 | 12     | ...  | xxx
...       | ...    | ...  | ...

And I need to remove from above SAS table column which ends with: _DT, _ID, _CP if columns with mentioned suffixes exist

Expected output:

COL_5  | ...  | COL_n
1      | ...  | xxx
0.5    | ...  | xxx
12     | ...  | xxx
...    | ...  | ...  

How can I do that in SAS Enterprise Guide ?


  • Create sample data set

    data have;
        input col1-col5 col_dt col_id col_cp;
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    Create the list of columns to drop using the same technique as in your previous question

    proc sql noprint;
        select distinct name into :cols separated by ' '
        from sashelp.vcolumn 
        where upcase(memname)='HAVE' and 
            (upcase(name) like '%^_DT' escape '^' 
            or upcase(name) like '%^_ID' escape '^' 
            or upcase(name) like '%^_CP' escape '^');

    Drop the selected columns

    data want;
        set have(drop=&cols.);

    As a result

    col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
     1     2    3    4    5
     9    10   11   12   13

    Alternatively, you can use proc contents instead of the SAS column view

    data have;
        input col1-col5 col_dt col_id col_cp;
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    proc contents data=have out=content noprint nodetails;run;
    proc sql noprint;
        select distinct name into :cols separated by ' '
        from content 
        where upcase(memname)='HAVE' and 
            (upcase(name) like '%^_DT' escape '^' 
            or upcase(name) like '%^_ID' escape '^' 
            or upcase(name) like '%^_CP' escape '^');
    data want;
        set have(drop=&cols.);