Has anybody used the django-push-notifications library recently?
It looks useful, but it seems like it needs an update. The documentation at https://github.com/jazzband/django-push-notifications/blob/master/docs/APNS.rst only discusses how to generate the required .pem file from a .p12 certificate, but now Apple gives you a .p8 certificate.
Any ideas how to get this working?
It looks like this has now been documented with this change.
APNS_AUTH_KEY_PATH: Absolute path to your APNS signing key file for Token-Based Authentication . Use this instead of APNS_CERTIFICATE if you are using .p8 signing key certificate.
APNS_AUTH_KEY_ID: The 10-character Key ID you obtained from your Apple developer account
APNS_TEAM_ID: 10-character Team ID you use for developing your company’s apps for iOS.