Search code examples

ElasticSearch-dsl intervals query

I am using this library to make elastic search queries. It says that it supports intervals query but I can not find a good example that could help me in making my query.

My query is as follows:

GET index/_search
  "from": 0,
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "intervals": {
            "search_field": {
              "all_of": {
                "intervals": [
                    "match": {
                      "query": "search_term",
                      "max_gaps": 1
  "size": 50

I am trying to make dsl query something like this

          Q("intervals", search_field=search_term, max_gaps=1)

can someone guide me how to make the proper query or share an example. Thanks


  • Could try something like this:

    s = s.query(
        Q('bool', must=[
            Q('intervals', search_field={
                'all_of': {
                    'intervals': [
                        Q('match', query='search_term', max_gaps=1)