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Reading blueprint variable in other blueprint

So I wanna read BP_ThirdPersonCharacter variables in my ThirdPersonMap. The thing is that I followed a youtube tutorial and I am completely new to UE5. And I have no clue if I am doing it right.

The Error



I wanna do so that variable from ThirdPersonCharacter is visible and editable in ThirdPersonMap.


  • Since the Error you get is "access none", it is not a problem of exposing the variable but more about initializing it. Here, you are using level blueprint, so maybe your character is not loaded before the level blueprint, so that last one can't access the variable.

    I can't really make sense on what you are trying to do from the screenshot, all I can say is that your variable (either just the variable or the whole Character) is not initialized.

    But for sure, if you are trying to implement a double jump as the variable name suggest, then quit that Youtube tutorial because it is absolutly not the way of doing it. I could wrote thousand of line of why, so just first thing first : you never implement gameplay mechanics in Level Blueprint. Just never.