I plan to move some common function / page to "flutter package"
But how to handle localization in these package ? I try to follow step https://docs.flutter.dev/development/accessibility-and-localization/internationalization
But it seem app-level localization, How to add localization in submodule/package ?
I tried to add flutter_intl / flutter_localizations in submodule, let it work like app-level. I also add module delegate in localizationsDelegates like this
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: const [
], ...
After test, here is result:
Am I use correct way to implement translation in flutter sub-module ?
I am not able to test your code, but I hope this helps.
- but it seem not use submodule's translation. it always show english at this case.
As stated in MaterialApp's documentation:
/// * [supportedLocales], which must be specified along with
/// [localizationsDelegates].
If I do not specify the supportedLocales, my app is only shown in english.
- If I copy translate items from submodule to app, it seem work. it look like app translate string will override submodule's translate string
I think you are right, that the first S.type, in this case the S.delegate, is selected, because both S.delegate and module_a.S.delegate have the same LocalizationsDelegate.type=S.
Something similar can be found in MaterialApp's documentation:
/// Constructing a [MaterialApp] with a `FooLocalizationsDelegate` overrides
/// the automatically included delegate for [MaterialLocalizations] because
/// only the first delegate of each [LocalizationsDelegate.type] is used and
/// the automatically included delegates are added to the end of the app's
/// [localizationsDelegates] list.
I split my flutter project into different packages, and the solution I choose is to generate a separate delegate class for each package (module).
Example for a module l10n.yaml:
arb-dir: lib/l10n
template-arb-file: app_en.arb
output-class: moduleALocalizations
output-localization-file: module_a_localizations.dart
synthetic-package: false # important, if you want to import the delegate in another package or app
output-dir: lib/l10n/generated # this is optional, if synthetic-package=false and not stated, defaults to arb-dir location
I set output-class
and output-localization-file
to the class and filename I want to use for the module. The delegate is added as to the [localizationsDelegates]
as usual.