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how can I save data with key in sqflite package in flutter?

Actually, I know it is possible to do that on hive package in flutter, but I am wondering it is possible to do that on sqflite package?


  • The sqflite package uses SQLite, which is a relational database, not a key-value pair database. But you can technically replicate the behavior of a key-value database in it by creating a single table with all the data.

    Please note that this is NOT a recommended way to use SQL. If you want a key-value db, just use hive.

    First, create the database with the table

    Database database = await openDatabase(path, version: 1,
      onCreate: (Database db, int version) async {
        // When creating the db, create the table
        await db.execute(
          'CREATE TABLE Data (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT, value TEXT)');

    Putting the data into the database:

    await database.transaction((txn) async {
      await txn.rawInsert(
          'INSERT INTO Data(key, value) VALUES("key", "value")');

    Getting data from the database:

    String value = await database.rawQuery('SELECT "key" FROM Data').first['value'];

    Again, this is NOT recommended. Use Hive or other key-value db.