I have a list of Employees employeeList (assume this list has some values present)
List<Employee> employeeList ;
Say, My Employee DTO is something like below :
Employee {
List<Book> bookList;
Book DTO:
Book {
private String bookId;
private String bookName;
I have to stream through the employeeList and group the employees with same book Id and convert to a map having key as the BookId and value as list of Employees. I want to achieve this using java8 concepts. Please help!
I tried to use Collectors.groupingBy but I have to traverse through another List of Books inside list of Employees. Could not figure out how?`
You can flatten the Employee list to pairs of Employee, Book ID and then collect to the Map you want.
Something like this (not tested):
Map<String,List<Employee>> map =
.flatMap(e -> e.getBookList()
.map(book -> new SimpleEntry<String,Employee>(book.getID (), e)))
.collect (Collectors.groupingBy (Map.Entry::getKey,