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Airflow variables and connections

I have a Airflow 1.10.11 running in an EC2 setup by my predecessors with docker-compose. I wish to learn how to set it up. I have the docker-compose file. But i need all the configurations. I know the config file can be found in scheduler container under /opt/bitnami/airflow/airflow.cfg. There are many connections and variables and xcom in the UI. Where can I find them in which container? Or how could I export them? some variables are encrypted and i can only see ***, so i could not recreate one by one in UI. Thanks

i saw the documantation on exporting connections using command: airflow connections export connections.json where do i execute this command in CLI, in which container?


    1. You can run on each airflow-* running container.

    docker exec -it airflow-worker bin/bash

    1. Or you can run with docker-compose from your machine . for more details see here

    docker-compose run airflow-worker airflow [command]