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How to make type-erased version of a trait with associated type?

Say there is a collection trait that has an associated type for its items:

trait CollectionItem {
    // ...

trait Collection {
    type Item: CollectionItem;
    fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Item;
    // ...

Can I somehow type-erase this into a type that uses dynamic dispatch for both the Collection and the CollectionItem trait? i.e. wrap it into something like the following:

struct DynCollection(Box<dyn Collection<Item=Box<dyn CollectionItem>>>);
impl DynCollection {
  fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Box<dyn CollectionItem> {
    // ... what to do here?
impl <C: Collection> From<C> for DynCollection {
  fn from(c: C) -> Self {
    // ... what to do here?



  • You can add a private, type-erased helper trait:

    trait DynCollectionCore {
        fn get_dyn(&self, index: usize) -> Box<dyn CollectionItem>;
    impl<C> DynCollectionCore for C
        C: ?Sized + Collection,
        C::Item: 'static,
        fn get_dyn(&self, index: usize) -> Box<dyn CollectionItem> {

    Then use this to build a wrapper type:

    struct DynCollection(Box<dyn DynCollectionCore>);
    impl DynCollection {
        fn new<C>(inner: C) -> Self
            C: Collection + 'static,
            C::Item: 'static,
    impl Collection for DynCollection {
        type Item = Box<dyn CollectionItem>;
        fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Box<dyn CollectionItem> {
    // note: something like this is also needed for `Box<dyn CollectionItem>:
    //       CollectionItem` to be satisfied
    impl<T: ?Sized + CollectionItem> CollectionItem for Box<T> {
        // ...