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how to fill missing values in table using sql for window function

order_id Products Country
MB-123 Bread US
MB-123 Milk
MB-1256 Cheese UK
MB-1256 Tomato Sauce
MB-1256 Milk

The missing values in the above table needs to be filled with the same country names for the same order_id.

I tried with coalesce with window function but I am not able to fill the null value for each orderid. I want null values in country column to be filled by the country name for the same order_id.

I want the desired output as the table shown below :-

order_id Products Country
MB-123 Bread US
MB-123 Milk US
MB-1256 Cheese UK
MB-1256 Tomato Sauce UK
MB-1256 Milk UK


  • In PostgreSQL, you can use the MAX window function, that allows you to get the non-null value for each "order_id" partition.

    SELECT order_id, Products, MAX(Country) OVER(PARTITION BY order_id) AS Country 
    FROM tab

    If you need to update the existing table, you can compute the maximum value for each country, then apply a JOIN operation inside the UPDATE` statement:

    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT order_id, Products, MAX(Country) OVER(PARTITION BY order_id) AS Country 
        FROM tab
    UPDATE tab 
    SET Country = cte.Country
    FROM cte
    WHERE cte.order_id = tab.order_id AND cte.Products = tab.products
      AND tab.Country IS NULL

    Check the demo here.