I am trying to represent an n-ary tree in an 2D matrix. Not sure how to approach the problem. This would be some sort of hierarchy. I have the root node of the tree
The table represents a pre-order (depth-first) traversal. You can implement it with a recursive function.
Pseudo code:
function dfs(children, row=0, col=0):
if no children:
return row + 1 # It is a leaf
for each child in children:
output child.label in table(row, col)
row = dfs(child.children, row, col + 1)
return row # It was not a leaf
Here is an implementation in JavaScript, with output to an HTML table:
function output(label, row, col) {
document.querySelector("table").rows[row].cells[col].textContent = label;
function dfs(children, row=0, col=0) {
if (!children?.length) return row + 1; // End of path
for (const child of children) {
output(child.label, row, col);
row = dfs(child.children, row, col + 1);
return row; // It was not a leaf
// Example tree:
const forest = [
{ "label": "a", "children": [
{ "label": "b", "children": [
{ "label": "j" },
{ "label": "k" },
{ "label": "c" },
{ "label": "d", "children": [
{ "label": "e" },
{ "label": "f", "children": [
{ "label": "h" },
{ "label": "i" },
{ "label": "g" },
table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; }
table td { border: 1px solid; width: 20%; padding-left: 10px }
tr { height: 25px; v-align: middle; }