I have the following issue:
Yesterday I started following this tutorial in order to learn how to use ngx-pagination, because I needed server-side pagination.
The issue is that the first 10 items that I want will be rendered properly, however if I click next (which will make my parameter: ?skip=0&take=10
go to ?skip=1&take=10
) it will take me to the next page, however the next 10 items won't show but I can confirm that they are being called through GET properly, images at the end will show how it looks like.
The code is as follows:
// department.service.ts
getAll(params: any) : Observable<Department[]> {
return this.httpClient.get<Department[]>(this.url, { params })
// department.component.ts
departments: [];
page = 1;
count = 0;
totalItems = 10;
ngOnInit() {
getRequestParams(page: number, totalItems: number): any {
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const
let params: any = {};
params[`skip`] = page - 1;
params[`take`] = totalItems;
return params;
retrieveAllDepartments(): void {
const params = this.getRequestParams(this.page, this.totalItems);
response => {
this.departments = response;
this.count = response.length;
handlePageChange(event: number): void {
this.page = event;
// department.component.html
<tr *ngFor="let department of departments | paginate: {
itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage,
currentPage: page,
totalItems: totalItems }">
And here is the image of how it actually looks like on my localhost and what happens when I click NEXT or to go to page 2 , as you can see, the response does bring me the next 10 items (does not show in the image but I can confirm they are 10, different items)
The image above is page 1 skip=0
as you can see and the image below is page 2 skip=1
However, as you can see, even though my network did bring the payload with the page 2 correctly, it does not show on my screen, the table is empty, but the items were retrieved.
What am I doing wrong here?
you make a confusion between totalItems and itemsPerPage
departments: [];
page = 1;
count = 0;
totalItems:number; ====> this should be **itemsPerPage**
itemsPerPage = 10
ngOnInit() {
getRequestParams(page: number, itemsPerPage : number): any {
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const
let params: any = {};
params[`skip`] = page - 1;
params[`take`] = itemsPerPage ;
return params;
retrieveAllDepartments(): void {
const params = this.getRequestParams(this.page, this.itemsPerPage);
response => {
this.departments = response;
this.count = response.length;
handlePageChange(event: number): void {
this.page = event;