I am trying the contents of iFrame and the iFrame doesn't have an src or URL. It has id element. Below is code I am trying to use . Is there anything I am missing here ? Content is empty
await page.goto("https://sites.google.com/view/pinnednote/home", { waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 30000 });
const myFrames = await page.frames();
console.log("Parent IFrame = "+myFrames.length)
for ( x of myFrames) { // Getting all iFrames
try {
const frameElement = await x.frameElement();
const contentFrame = await frameElement.contentFrame();
console.log(await contentFrame.content());
} catch(error){
childs = await x.childFrames();
console.log("Child IFrame = "+childs.length)
for ( y of childs) {
const frameElement = await y.frameElement();
const contentFrame = await frameElement.contentFrame();
console.log(await contentFrame.content());
Try this:
await page.goto("https://sites.google.com/view/pinnednote/home", { waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 30000 });
const myFrames = await page.frames();
console.log("Parent IFrame = "+myFrames.length)
for ( x of myFrames) { // Getting all iFrames
try {
const frameContent = await x.content();
} catch(error){
You already have the frames in your myFrames
array. When you are making the loop you only need to take the content.