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C# make concurrent HTTP calls

I have a bunch of HTTP GET calls to make, but I want to limit it to no more than 5 at once, so I tried to do the following:

var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(5, 5);
var threads = new List<Thread>();
var values = new ConcurrentBag<string>();

for (var i = 0; i < callsLeft; i++) {
    var url = $"...";

    var thread = new Thread(async () => {
        await _semaphore.WaitAsync(cancellationToken);

        values.Add(await _client.GetStringAsync(url, cancellationToken));



foreach (var thread in threads)


I'm having two issues with that.

  1. The done message is printed before all of the threads actually complete.
  2. 5 HTTP calls are made right away, but then it seems to only add one at a time. Essentially all the rest kick off one by one, evenly spaced. There's never a case where two or three start at once, for example.


  • First of all, HttpClient operations are thread-safe. They don't need locking. Second, all HttpClient operations are asynchronous so they don't need extra threads.

    All at once

    A quick and dirty way to make concurrent calls would be to just fire off all operations and await all the tasks:

    var tasks=urls.Select(url=>_client.GetStringAsync(url, cancellationToken))
    var results=await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    foreach(var result in results)


    var tasks=urls.Select(async url=>{
        var result=await _client.GetStringAsync(url, cancellationToken);
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

    Controlled concurrency with Parallel.ForEachAsync

    A better way would be to use Parallel.ForEachAsync to limit the number of concurrent operations. The default is the value of Environment.ProcessorCount

    await Parallel.ForEachAsync(urls, async (url,token)=>{
        var result=_client.GetStringAsync(url,token);
    }, cancellationToken);

    Since all operations are asynchronous, we can start more than the available core count:

    ParallelOptions options= new()
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10
    await Parallel.ForEachAsync(urls, options,async (url,token)=>{
        var result=_client.GetStringAsync(url,token);
    }, cancellationToken);

    Multi-step Processing Pipeline

    Another option is to use TPL DataFlow blocks to construct a pipeline that retrieves results in one step and processes them in another, again with a controlled degree of concurrency.

    var dlOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {
    var downloader=new TransformBlock<string,string>(
                         url => _client.GetStringAsync(url,cancellationToken),
    var parser=new TransformBlock<string,Something>(ParseIntoSomething);
    var importer=new ActionBlock<Something>(ImportInDb);
    var linkOptions = new DataflowLinkOptions {PropagateCompletion = true};

    Once we set up the pipeline, we can start posting messages to the head block and await the tail to complete:

    foreach(var url in urls)
    await importer.Completion;

    In this case, at most 10 downloads are executed concurrently. Separate blocks parse 1 response at a time and store it in the database. Each of those blocks uses 1 task.