I'm currently having issues after compiling my code to JS which do not happen when running the same code in ts-node.
Assuming following code :
class A {
constructor(readonly parameterProperty: number) {}
readonly fieldInitializer = this.parameterProperty * 10;
It seems that ts-node first initializes the parameterProperty, then initializes the field with the already created value. The compiled JS code however first tries to initialize the field, then the parameterProperty. Compiled JS:
"use strict";
class A {
constructor(parameterProperty) {
this.parameterProperty = parameterProperty;
fieldInitializer = this.parameterProperty * 10;
I'm wondering if this means using parameterProperties in this fashion is not intended. Sadly I was not able to find anything about the initialization order of these in the Docs.
TSconfig wise I am using :
"target": "ES2022",
"module": "CommonJS",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
I've actually found a solution to getting the compiled code behave just as when beeing run with ts-node. Since I spend a few hours searching I want to document this here anyways though.
So, following result after searching and playing around in the TS-Playground.
Following setting changes the behaviour of the initialization order.
"useDefineForClassFields": false
Code beeing emitted with this disabled is:
"use strict";
class A {
constructor(parameterProperty) {
this.parameterProperty = parameterProperty;
this.fieldInitializer = this.parameterProperty * 10;
With this enabled the code looks like this:
"use strict";
class A {
constructor(parameterProperty) {
this.parameterProperty = parameterProperty;
fieldInitializer = this.parameterProperty * 10;
Which thus changes the initialization order to first initialize the fields, then the parameterProperties.
Apparently this setting is true by default.