I am creating an AKS cluster having Azure managed integration with Azure Active Directory as mentioned in product docs - docs
As per the documentation, a pre-registered app with the name "Azure Kubernetes Service AAD Server" should get created in App Registration. But it is not getting created in my case.
Command used to create cluster :
az aks create -g myGroup -n myCLusterName --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids myAADGroupId
What could be the issue here ?
"Azure Kubernetes Service AAD Server" is a
service principal
that can be found in Enterprise Applications tab, not in App Registrations.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results:
I don't have "Azure Kubernetes Service AAD Server" service principal in my Enterprise Applications before creating cluster.
Now I created one cluster by running same command as you like below:
az aks create -g myGroup -n myCLusterName --generate-ssh-keys --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids myAADGroupId
When I checked Enterprise Applications now, I can see "Azure Kubernetes Service AAD Server" service principal like below:
Make sure to remove filters while searching for service principal in Enterprise Applications.