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How to runner docker containers without any network access

I use docker-compose to run containers to build different components as part of my CI/CD pipeline. Recently I have started noticing that the build pipeline fails sometimes while trying to download build dependencies from the internet in run time, as sometimes these links are down.

To fix this I want to test running the docker container which builds these applications without any internet connection, I want to include all the required dependencies which are downloaded at runtime as part of the docker image.

Can someone let me what change should I make in my docker-compose so that the container starts without any network access?

Here is a sample of my docker-compose file:

version: "3.7"
    image: base-image:1
    network_mode: host
        - "$PWD:/build-dir"
    command: ./ build_app1
    working_dir: /build-dir
    privileged: true
        - USER=root
        - VAR1=$VAR1
        - version.txt


  • Found the answer here -

    I have to replace network_mode: host with network_mode: none in the docker-compose file.