I have a web application running on Safari on an iPad displaying a live WebRTC video stream. When the user switches away from Safari for a few seconds, and then switches back, the <video>
element just shows a black rectangle.
I have added logging to the onsignalingstatechange
handler, and checked the console logs for any apparent errors after resuming Safari, but there is nothing obvious indicating the failure.
How can I recover/resume/restart the stream after the user switches back to Safari?
Here is my cargo cult WebRTC code, for reference:
export default class WebRtcPlayer {
static server = "";
server = null;
stream = null;
channel = null;
webrtc = null;
mediastream = null;
video = null;
constructor(id, stream, channel) {
this.server = WebRtcPlayer.server;
this.video = document.getElementById(id);
this.stream = stream;
this.channel = channel;
this.video.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => {
this.video.addEventListener("error", () => {
console.error("video error");
getStreamUrl() {
// RTSPtoWeb only, not RTSPtoWebRTC
return `${this.server}/stream/${this.stream}/channel/${this.channel}/webrtc`;
async play() {
console.log("webrtc play");
this.mediastream = new MediaStream();
this.video.srcObject = this.mediastream;
this.webrtc = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: [{
urls: ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"],
sdpSemantics: "unified-plan"
this.webrtc.onnegotiationneeded = this.handleNegotiationNeeded.bind(this);
this.webrtc.onsignalingstatechange = this.handleSignalingStateChange.bind(this);
this.webrtc.ontrack = this.handleTrack.bind(this);
this.webrtc.addTransceiver("video", {
"direction": "sendrecv",
async handleNegotiationNeeded() {
let offer = await this.webrtc.createOffer({
offerToReceiveAudio: false,
offerToReceiveVideo: true
await this.webrtc.setLocalDescription(offer);
async handleSignalingStateChange() {
console.log(`handleSignalingStateChange ${this.webrtc.signalingState}`);
switch (this.webrtc.signalingState) {
case "have-local-offer":
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("data", btoa(this.webrtc.localDescription.sdp));
const response = await fetch(this.getStreamUrl(), {
method: "POST",
body: formData,
this.webrtc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({
type: "answer",
sdp: atob(await response.text()),
case "stable":
* There is no ongoing exchange of offer and answer underway.
* This may mean that the RTCPeerConnection object is new, in which case both the localDescription and remoteDescription are null;
* it may also mean that negotiation is complete and a connection has been established.
case "closed":
* The RTCPeerConnection has been closed.
console.log(`unhandled signalingState is ${this.webrtc.signalingState}`);
handleTrack(event) {
console.log("handle track");
static setServer(serv) {
this.server = serv;
I'm not sure if it's the best way, but I used the Page Visibility API to subscribe to the visibilitychange
constructor(id, stream, channel) {
// ...
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {
console.log("Document became visible, restarting WebRTC stream.");
// ...