Im Programming a Xamarin iOS AR app. Im trying to display an arrow in my ARSCNView that points to a specific node.
The method I use to add the arrow:
private void AddDirectionArrow()
var arrow = SCNScene.FromFile("arrow.dae");
if (arrow is null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Pfeil 3D Modell nicht gefunden");
this.ArrowNode = arrow.RootNode;
this.ArrowNode.Position = new SCNVector3(0, 3, -8f);
this.ArrowNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
This works fine.The arrow stays in front of the users device.
My class has 2 nodes as property:
private SCNNode ArrowNode;
private SCNNode NodeToPointTo;
The NodeToPointTo is set as followed:
this.NodeToPointTo = this.sceneView.GetNode(<SomeARAnchor>);
Works fine as well.
In the ARDelegate.cs method WillRenderScene
I call this method to update the arrow:
public override void OnUpdateScene(double timeInSeconds)
if (this.NodeToPointTo is null)
this.ArrowNode.Look(this.NodeToPointTo.WorldPosition, this.sceneView.PointOfView.WorldUp, this.ArrowNode.WorldFront);
This is what I cant figure out.
Im calling the Look method that should point my arrow node to the node I want it to point to.
How do I call this method correctly so my arrow points to the node?
Here is the Apple Dokumentation since I couldn't find any for Xamarin.
And the desired outcome
Don't hesitate to ask if anything is unclear.
According to this case which is about one SCNNode look at another SCNNode, you can try to use the SCNLookAtConstraint
which is a constraint that orients a node to always point toward a specified other node.
You can try the following code:
private SCNNode ArrowNode;
private SCNNode NodeToPointTo;
SCNLookAtConstraint sCNLookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint.Create(NodeToPointTo);
ArrowNode.Constraints = new SCNLookAtConstraint[] { sCNLookAtConstraint };