I am developing a Pokedex project using Angular.
I am fetching the PokeAPI successfully and I can display the regular sprites by writing:
<img [src]="pokemon[0].sprites.front_default" [alt]="pokemon[0].name" >
but when I try to display an animated gif in a different directory by writing:
it throws me two errors stating:
Property 'v' does not exist on type 'DetailsComponent'.
Property 'white' does not exist on type 'DetailsComponent'.
This is happening because I have to parse a text containing a hyphen and Angular reads it as something else
What would be the correct way of parsing the source of the image without having issues?
I suggest you obtain the text for the image in your typescript file, save it in the variable, pokemonImage, and use the variable as the value for the [src] property.
On your HTML page have something like this:
<img id="imageOfPokemon" alt="{{pokemonName}}" src="{{pokemonImage}}" width="250" height="250"/>
In your typescript file, create the property pokemonImage: string = '', and save the following as the value:
this.pokemonImage = pokemon['sprites']['versions']['generation-v']['black-white']['animated'].front_default;