How would I define my own extension-method that wraps Kendo's HtmlAttributes? I want to add bool parameter and only calls HtmlAttributes if @item.isRequired is true
@(Html.Kendo().RadioGroupFor(m => m.MeetingPollingQuestions)
.Name(string.Format("PollingResponses[{0}].Value", idx))
.HtmlAttributes(new { required = "required", data_val_required = "Question is
Required" })
foreach (var option in @item.RadioButtonList)
You could create a variable in your razor file to store the value for HtmlAttributes.
var htmlAttributesData = item.isRequired ? "new { required = "required", data_val_required = "Question is Required" }" : "";
Your RadioGroupFor should look like this after:
@(Html.Kendo().RadioGroupFor(m => m.MeetingPollingQuestions)
.Name(string.Format("PollingResponses[{0}].Value", idx))
foreach (var option in @item.RadioButtonList)