What I am trying to do is find the 'newest' Ad Rates based on its date. I need to return multiple columns which will be grouped by the store. I am using SSMS. and below is a screen shot of what the table looks like with all the values. Disregard the Id.
As you will see, there are multiple store numbers out there. There will also be a parameter passed into this select where the AdRateDate can not be larger than.
So if my parameter is Declare @toDate DateTime = '2022-11-30 00:00:00.000'
Then the data return should be
Here is the script I was trying, and I am lost!
DECLARE @ToDate DATETIME = '2022-11-30 00:00:00.000'
SELECT StoreNumber, AdRate
FROM StoreAdRate
WHERE AdRateDate =
(Select Max(AdRateDate) From StoreAdRate Where AdRateDate <= @ToDate And StoreNumber = StoreNumber)
I think your statement is on the right track and just lack alias to differentiate between StoreNumber in sub-query and main query.
Try the following:
DECLARE @ToDate DATETIME = '2022-11-30 00:00:00.000';
SELECT StoreNumber, AdRate
FROM StoreAdRate sar
WHERE AdRateDate = (Select Max(AdRateDate) From StoreAdRate sub
Where sub.AdRateDate <= @ToDate
And sub.StoreNumber = sar.StoreNumber);