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Ruby- date manipulation to fetch data

I have a requirement in ruby where I want to fetch all the data present in database for the current month. However, there is a catch. I wanted to fetch the data of current month based on plan start data.

 1. My plan is started on 5th Oct 2022.
 2. Let say, today's date is 3rd Dec 2022. I would want to fetch records from 5th Nov to 3rd Dec.
 3. Let say, today's date is 15th Dec 2022. I would like to fetch records of current cycle that is from 5th Dec till today.

There could be many cases, but the idea is I want to fetch the current month records based on the cycle start date for current month.

Since I am new to ruby, can someone please suggest me how to do it using DateTime or any relevant methods. Any help would be appreciated.


class Customer
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps
  include SimpleEnum::Mongoid

  field :topic, type: String # This field is to store title/topic
  field :external_uuid, type: String # This represents unique ID
  field :start_time, type: DateTime
  field :duration, type: Integer
  field :created_at, type: DateTime 

  field :random, type: Float, default: -> { rand.round(8) }

  as_enum :type,
          internal: 'internal',
          external: 'external' 


  • Based on my understanding that the plan starts on each 5th and you want to have the time-span from plan_start to NOW, you can get the start date with something along the lines of

    require 'date'
    plan_start_day = 5
    today =
    puts "Today is #{today}"
    puts "Today is day #{} of the month, plan starts on #{plan_start_day}."
    start =
        if < plan_start_day 
   ,today.month - 1,plan_start_day)
    puts "Applicable plan start is #{start.to_date}"

    For today we get an output like

    Today is 2022-12-13
    Today is day 13 of the month, plan starts on 5.
    Applicable plan start is 2022-12-05

    Now, assuming that the date you are looking for is in start_time column, that is of type DateTime, you can just query:

    Customer.where('start_time > ? AND start_time < ?', start, today.end_of_day)

    Of course created_at would also work, given that this column provides the information needed... Availability of end_of_day depends on Rails version but a manual increase as above should be easy enough...

    If you want to have the number of items only use

    Customer.where('start_time > ? AND start_time < ?', start, today.end_of_day).count

    Now, I'd add this to the Customer model class as a static method

    def self.monthly_sum(date)
        month = ( < Customer::PLAN_START_DAY) : date.month - 1 ? date.month 
        plan_start =, month, Customer::PLAN_START_DAY)
        plan_end =, month+1, Customer::PLAN_START_DAY)
        Customer.where('start_time > ? AND start_time < ?', plan_start, plan_end).count

    This method uses the assumption that there are no "future" events, thus it would fetch the full month for any date. If the plan_month has already ended, it will get the full data. If it is the current plan_month, we get all data until today (as no newer entries exist).

    The Customer::PLAN_START_DAY here is a constant. If the plan start is individual (per user, type, project, ...), you need to get it from the appropriate record and extract the day with the #day method presented above.

    you can now do


    or what ever date is applicable and get the number of records matched.