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Angular Cypress Component tests not working with Tailwindcss

When running Tailwindcss in an Nx style monorepo (apps and libs folders) I have setup the Tailwind config as:

content: ['./apps/**/*.{html,ts}', './libs/**/*.{html,ts}'],

But it is not applying any Tailwindstyles and gives the error:

"warn - No utility classes were detected in your source files. If this is unexpected, double-check the content option in your Tailwind CSS configuration."

And no styling is applyed to the component tests.

I tried to change the content in the tailwind.config.js to:

content: ['/**/*.{html,ts}', '**/*.{html,ts}'],

Which works but makes tailwind execution slow as it will also evaluate node_modules.


  • It worked by adding:


    To the tailwind.config.js's content:

    content: ['./apps/**/*.{html,ts}', './libs/**/*.{html,ts}', './src/**/*.{html,ts}'],