I am trying to open the selected file from google drive picker in incognito mode, but it is asking to sign in accounts. I want that file as a public file. Without logging in our account, we should access it.
My picker function in typescript,
createPicker(): void {
var uploadView = new window["google"].picker.DocsUploadView();
const view = new window["google"].picker.View(
const picker = new window["google"].picker.PickerBuilder()
.setDeveloperKey( this.googleDriveApiKey)
In the picker callback function, after we picked the files, we can set permissions to it.
if(data && data['docs']) {
var body = {
'type': 'anyone',
'role': 'reader'
var request = window['gapi'].client.drive.permissions.create({
'fileId': file.id,
'resource': body
request.execute(function(resp) {});
This code make all the selected files to be accessible without signing in.