Whenever I try to swop between screens the FAB still remains visible and sometimes interferes with the functionality of components on the lower part of the screen as if a large square is rendered over the lower half of the page.
I tried using conditional rendering which is toggled everytime the user does an action that moves from the page
As a quick fix, I have opted to toggle the visibility property of the the FAB component.
Im hoping to be able to have the FAB be bound to one screen. I am not sure what would be the best practice in this case. I have found one good response to this issue on github, however, the component he used has since been deprecated and I cannot get it to work. https://snack.expo.dev/@satya164/navigation-aware-portal-for-react-navigation.
note: I have only been using react (and js/ts) for little less than a year now, and is mostly self taught, and been using it strictly with functional components rather than class based. I can understand class components, I am just not great at it.
Thank you for whoever takes the time in reading this.
Figured it out: wrap the parent component (where you want the FAB anchored) in a <Portal.Host> tag:
and change the color of the fab component:
icon={open ? 'close' : 'plus'}
icon: 'link',
label: 'Link account',
onPress: () => console.log('Pressed email'),