I have the following select statement (example) which gives back a sum from a table.
Select SUM(Salary) from Users d, MoreData m where
d.Office = 'A' and
m.Active = 'Yes' and
d.id_user = m.id_of_user
This works perfectly fine and adds up column salery for all users which are located in Office A abd are marked as active in the table MoreData.
Now I would only like to get a result if the SUM(Salary) under these conditions is greater than 1.000.000 EUR. If not the result would be just NULL.
Thanks in Advance
I tried adding an CASE WHEN statement but this always gives ORA-00900 back.
It needs to be an SELECT statement.
That looks like a having
Select SUM(Salary) from Users d, MoreData m where
d.Office = 'A' and
m.Active = 'Yes' and
d.id_user = m.id_of_user
having sum(salary) > 1000000 --> this
Though, I presume that you'd actually want to get some more info, such as which user has such a salary, so you'd have to add that column into the select
column list and then group by it. Also, to follow good practice, switch to join
SELECT d.id_user,
SUM (salary)
FROM users d JOIN moredata m ON m.id_of_user = d.id_user
WHERE d.office = 'A'
AND m.active = 'Yes'
GROUP BY d.id_user
HAVING SUM (salary) > 1000000