My backend database is PostgreSQL I have a TypeORM object simplified to:
@Index(['name'], {unique: true}
export class Foo extends BaseEntity
id: string;
name: string;
@Column('varchar', { array: true })
bar: string[];
I'm creating an API query handler that can handle searches. I can easily do a LIKE query on the name like this:
let qs = Foo.createQueryBuilder('foo');
qs.andWhere(' ILIKE :name', {
I'd like to also search for e.g. any "bar" LIKE %myqueryterm% but I can't seem to find anything on that.
I see a bunch of docs on how to exactly match a search term in bar, but no soft comparison.
What I essentially want to do is that I have a data set
{id: 1, name: 'whatever', bar: ['apple','bananna','yeti','woo']},
{id: 2, name: 'something else', bar: ['red','blue','green', 'boo']},
{id: 3, name: 'i dunno', bar: ['ford','chevy']},
and I'd like to let the user to be able to query e.g. "%oo% and return the first 2 records based on bar strings containing that substring.
Postgres provides array functions and operators that you can use to create any complex query.
In your case, a clean way of doing this would be to
Something like this should work:
.where("array_to_string(, ',') LIKE :bar", {
bar: '%aa%',