I wrote a simple function which should perform the function of a halfadder.
fun halfadder :: "bool * bool ⇒ bool * bool"
"halfadder (a,b) = (
let s = xor a b in
let cout = and a b in
However, I get the following error:
Type unification failed: No type arity bool :: semiring_bit_operations
Type error in application: incompatible operand type
Operator: xor :: ??'a ⇒ ??'a ⇒ ??'a
Operand: a :: bool
Why is it not able to perform a XOR operation on a bool? What is going wrong here?
I have tried using the XOR operator with different data types and it still faces the same error
The type bool
in Isabelle/HOL is the type for logical formulas (of the object logic HOL) and so not intended to be used as a type for bit datas. For example, a diagnosis
term "P ∧ Q"
"P ∧ Q"
:: "bool"
If you jump to the definition of xor
, you find that xor
is defined for (or fixed for or being a method of) the class semiring_bit_operations
. A possible solution is to define your halfadder
inside the context of semiring_bit_operations
, e.g.
context semiring_bit_operations
fun halfadder :: "'a * 'a ⇒ 'a * 'a"
"halfadder (a, b) = (
let s = xor a b in
let cout = and a b in
which worked for me.
However, semiring_bit_operations
is not a class for one bits but bit sequences. Thus, it's better to define your own boolean datatype, and
and xor
(or use some built-in type if any (which I don't know)).
(Note: I'm a beginner of Isabelle and so it is probably better to wait for more comprehensive answers from specialists.)