I currently have my code set up so I have a class that creates the first node of a binary search tree. Then, using a create_node method, I can add whatever node. How can I return the children of each created note?
When I run the following, I get an output of "Left child: None Right Child: None" when it should be "Left child: 3 Right Child: 7"
I'd assume it has something to do with the dictionary not being updated? If this is the case, how can I continually update it? Thank you!
totaldict = {}
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
def search(self, value):
if value < self.data:
if self.left == None:
return False
return self.left.search(value)
elif value > self.data:
if self.right == None:
return False
return self.right.search(value)
return True
def create_node(self, value):
if value < self.data:
if self.left == None:
self.left = TreeNode(value)
totaldict[value] = TreeNode(value)
return self.left.create_node(value)
elif value > self.data:
if self.right == None:
self.right = TreeNode(value)
totaldict[value] = TreeNode(value)
return self.right.create_node(value)
print("Node already exists")
def pos_child(self, value):
if self.search(value):
if value in totaldict:
return "Left child: " + str(totaldict[value].left) + " Right Child: " + str(totaldict[value].right)
print("Node does not exist, use create_node method")
root = TreeNode(10)
The problem is here:
if self.right == None:
self.right = TreeNode(value)
totaldict[value] = TreeNode(value) # HERE
You create new TreeNode
but it's not connected at all to root
so it never gets any children. Change it to:
if self.right == None:
self.right = TreeNode(value)
totaldict[value] = self.right
And do the same for left subtree.