With a lambda, is it not possible to use an alias for a variable that is in the capture list (by reference)?
auto AddSlip = [rFile = &fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
That won't work.
With a lambda, is it not possible to use an alias for a variable that is in the capture list (by reference)?
Yes: it's possible. Starting from C++14.
Not in your way
auto AddSlip = [rFile = &fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
because rFile
become the copy of the pointer to fileCSV
; the syntax you're looking for is the following
auto AddSlip = [&rFile = fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
or, if you want a const reference,
auto AddSlip = [&rFile = std::as_const(fileCSV)](COleDateTime datMeeting)